How to save time and money as an auto transport dispatcher?
This specific post is related to a ton of auto transport dispatcher out there that want to improve their daily operations by focusing on these key indicators:
- Time
- Organization
- The Process of Load Management
- The Process of Trip Management
- Documentation if necessary – BOL, Invoicing, Inspection Review, Contracts, reports
First of all the most important asset in the every single business out there is managing your time – and if you’re not owning time as a dispatcher, and time is owning you – then the truth is that work is going to overwhelming and stomp you on daily basis. Mastering this core asset will help you focus on:
- Actually staying connected with your customers and drivers
- Spending more time to find quality of work you have for the company/companies you’re working for
- Having more time will open up business opportunities that you’re ignoring because of your stomped scheduled
An auto transport dispatcher is going to work on daily basis with different loads big brokers out there, big load boards to find loads for the drivers. They always need to get that dispatch sheet from 10+load boards in different formats and manage them all together – the amount of paperwork gathered is insane and not organized in the proper way.
That’s where a load of time is wasted. Manually checking in the load boards, requesting the dispatch sheet via the email/load board, going back to save, going into your email to send it to the drivers, checking with the driver if he received it, calling him 3+ times, then checking if he got the correct load number, pickup and delivery information. Sending the BOL, and invoices is another one – an auto transport dispatcher can send typically other 20+ of those a week. That’s actually near thousands of transport documents in a year – think about how much time you need to spend on to perfect and check that paperwork every single time.
What if someone told you can save all that time for your right away and you can actually focus on bring more loads to the drivers – as that is what you’re getting paid for? Would you consider it as an auto transport dispatcher? I bet yes!
So if you want to change it, here’s a framework that you can use that we developed in our system CarShipIO for auto transport dispatchers:
- Imagine yourself uploading all dispatch sheets in one single place from all the loadboards out there, and big brokers ( there are more than 20+ out there in the auto transport industry).
- Dispatching it right away with just creating a organized trip for all your drivers, will loads, vehicles, miles, addresses, customer information, ability to edit the load, add more loads, delete the loads.
- Everything is integrated with a driver app on the driver end, and he sees all that info without any information slippage. They have the ability to do everything they need, inspection, electronic bill of lading, change status of loads so the auto transport dispatcher and customer sees it, add vehicles to a load, automatically scan vin code, add expenses.

The real benefit is saving your time, your driver time, your company times, your customer time, and the receive time with everything being organized around the concept of load, trip, driver.
We highly recommend trying it out as we believe time is going to be single biggest asset out there for you – read more info here.
By our average calculations saving 5K $ by using the system on yearly basis is very welcome for your business.
Sign-UP here, use it and get that benefit.